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Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-7, 30-01-2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1532701


Introducción. La adolescencia es un periodo de desarrollo biopsicosocial que va desde los 10 a 19 años, el embarazo entre estas edades supone una preocupación para la salud pública por todo lo que conlleva. Objetivo. Conocer la frecuencia y características clínico-epidemiológicas de gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el servicio de maternidad del Hospital Regional de Pedro Juan Caballero entre diciembre del 2021 a noviembre del 2022 Materiales y Método. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal, muestreo por conveniencia de adolescentes atendidas en el servicio de ginecología del Hospital Regional de Pedro Juan Caballero en el periodo diciembre 2021 a noviembre del 2022.Resultados. De 1615 puérperas, el 20% (n=317) fueron adolescentes, 26% de ellas tenían 19 años, 78,5% en unión libre, 38,2% tenía por lo menos 5 controles prenatales. En los antecedentes gineco obstétricos el 81% eran nulíparas. El peso de los 317 niños fue 2501 a 4000 gramos en un 83%y en puntaje APGAR 98,7% presentó un puntaje de 7-10; 82% nació entre 37-42 semanas y 50,3% fueron varones. La vía de parto más común fue la vaginal con 73% y de presentación cefálica en un 97%. Conclusión. La frecuencia de gestantes adolescentes representa una quinta parte del total de gestantes atendidas, más de dos tercios nacieron con peso adecuado, en su mayoría un APGAR de 7-10 a los 5 minutos y la vía por la cual nacieron en su mayoría fue la vaginal, en presentación cefálica. Palabras clave: gestante; adolescentes; parto

Introduction. Adolescence is a period of biopsychosocial development that goes from 10 to 19 years old. Pregnancy between these ages is a concern for public health due to everything it entails. know the frequency of teenage pregnant women treated in the maternity service of the Pedro Juan Caballero Regional Hospital in the period from December 2021 to November 2022.Material and Method. Descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional, convenience sampling of adolescents treated in the Gynecology service of the Pedro Juan Caballero Regional Hospital in the period December 2021 to November 2022. Results.20% of the total pregnant women attended were adolescents, 26% of the adolescents were 19 years old, marital status, common-law union 74.5%. 38.2% had at least 5 prenatal checkups. In the Obstetric Gynecological History, 81% were nulliparous. The weight of the 317 children was 2501 to 4000 grams in 83% and in the APGAR score 98.7% had a score of 7-10;82% were born between 37-42 weeks and 50.3% were boys. The most common route of delivery was vaginal with 73% and cephalic presentation in 97%. Conclusion.The frequency of pregnant adolescents represents a fifth of the total pregnant women attended, morethan two thirds were born with adequate weight, mostly an APGAR of 7-10 at 5 minutes and the route by which they were mostly born was vaginal, in cephalic presentation. Key words: pregnant woman; adolescents; childbirth

Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Pregnant Women , Adolescent , Parturition
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 82(1): s00441779033, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533832


Abstract Background Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and can lead to neurological complications in severe cases. Objective This study examined neuroimaging patterns in chikungunya cases during two outbreaks in Brazil to identify specific patterns for diagnosis and treatment of neuro-chikungunya. Methods Eight patients with confirmed chikungunya and neurological involvement were included. Clinical examinations and MRI scans were performed, and findings were analyzed by neuroradiologists. Data on age, sex, neurological symptoms, diagnostic tests, MRI findings, and clinical outcomes were recorded. Results Patients showed different neuroimaging patterns. Six patients exhibited a "clock dial pattern" with hyperintense dotted lesions in the spinal cord periphery. One patient had thickening and enhancement of anterior nerve roots. Brain MRI revealed multiple hyperintense lesions in the white matter, particularly in the medulla oblongata, in six patients. One patient had a normal brain MRI. Conclusion The "clock dial pattern" observed in spinal cord MRI may be indicative of chikungunya-related nervous system lesions. Isolated involvement of spinal cord white matter in chikungunya can help differentiate it from other viral infections. Additionally, distinct brainstem involvement in chikungunya-associated encephalitis, particularly in the rostral region, sets it apart from other arboviral infections. Recognizing these neuroimaging patterns can contribute to early diagnosis and appropriate management of neuro-chikungunya.

Resumo Antecedentes A chikungunya é uma doença transmitida por mosquitos causada pelo vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) e pode levar a complicações neurológicas em casos graves. Objetivo Este estudo examinou padrões de neuroimagem em casos de chikungunya durante dois surtos no Brasil para identificar padrões específicos para o diagnóstico e tratamento de neurochikungunya. Métodos Oito pacientes com chikungunya confirmada e envolvimento neurológico foram incluídos. Exames clínicos e ressonâncias magnéticas (RM) foram realizados, e os achados foram analisados por neurorradiologistas. Dados sobre idade, sexo, sintomas neurológicos, testes diagnósticos, achados de RM e desfechos clínicos foram registrados. Resultados Os pacientes apresentaram diferentes padrões de neuroimagem. Seis pacientes apresentaram um "padrão de mostrador de relógio" com lesões pontilhadas hiperintensas na periferia da medula espinhal. Um paciente apresentou espessamento e realce das raízes nervosas anteriores. A RM do cérebro revelou múltiplas lesões hiperintensas na substância branca, especialmente no bulbo em seis pacientes. Um paciente apresentou uma RM cerebral normal. Conclusão O "padrão de mostrador de relógio" observado na RM da medula espinhal pode ser indicativo de lesões do sistema nervoso relacionadas à chikungunya. O envolvimento isolado da substância branca da medula espinhal na chikungunya pode ajudar a diferenciá-la de outras infecções virais. Além disso, o envolvimento distinto do tronco cerebral na encefalite associada à chikungunya, especialmente na região rostral, a distingue de outras infecções por arbovírus. O reconhecimento desses padrões de neuroimagem pode contribuir para o diagnóstico precoce e manejo adequado da neurochikungunya.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 194-198, out./dez. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427147


A anemia infecciosa equina é uma importante enfermidade que acomete os equídeos em todo o mundo, se apresentando de forma aguda, crônica e assintomática causando grandes prejuízos para a economia tanto para criadores que vivem do trabalho desses animais quantos aos criadores que investem no melhoramento das raças, impedindo o acesso ao mercado tanto nacional quanto internacional. O Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento considera o IDGA como teste oficial para diagnóstico dessa enfermidade, porém essa técnica é demorada e muita vez acaba sendo subjetiva, dependendo da experiencia particular de cada Laboratorista. Além de não conseguir detectar animais no início da infecção. Logo, a necessidade de se buscar novas técnicas como o ELISA indireto que aperfeiçoem o tempo de análise dos resultados, facilita a automação e obtém resultados confiáveis. O estudo realizado teve como objetivo padronizar uma técnica de ELISA indireto utilizando uma proteína de envelope viral GP90 como antígeno para diagnóstico da anemia infecciosa equina. Avaliando o desempenho do teste a partir da sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivo e negativo. Os valores obtidos foram: 91,11%, 93,33%, 91,11% e 93,33% respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o teste apresenta bom desempenho, além da possibilidade de detectar amimais positivos no início da infecção.

Equine infectious anemia is an important disease that affects horses all over the world, presenting in an acute, chronic and asymptomatic way, causing great damage to the economy, both for breeders who live off the work of these animals and for breeders who invest in the improvement of breeds, preventing access to both national and international markets. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply considers AGID to be the official test for diagnosing this disease, but this technique takes time and often ends up being subjective, depending on the particular experience of each laboratory worker. In addition to not being able to detect animals at the beginning of the infection. Therefore, the need to seek new techniques such as indirect ELISA that improve the time of analysis of results, facilitate automation and obtain reliable results. The aim of this study was to standardize an indirect ELISA technique using a GP90 viral envelope protein as an antigen for the diagnosis of equine infectious anemia. Evaluating test performance based on sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values. The values obtained were 91.11%, 93.33%, 91.11 and 93.33 respectively. It was concluded that the test performs well, in addition to the possibility of detecting positive animals at the beginning of the infection.

Animals , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Viral Envelope Proteins/analysis , Immunoenzyme Techniques/veterinary , Equine Infectious Anemia/diagnosis , Infectious Anemia Virus, Equine , Horses/immunology , Antigens, Viral/analysis
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 199-203, out./dez. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427150


A cinomose é uma enfermidade causada pelo vírus Canine Distemper Virus (CDV). Essa doença afeta principalmente cães, mas também acomete outras espécies domésticas e selvagens. A imunidade do animal está relacionada ao grau que a esse patógeno vai atingir o organismo do indivíduo. Ela afeta a respiração do animal, pode causar vômito, diarreia, convulsões, podendo levar o animal à óbito. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi padronizar um teste ELISA indireto com antígeno de superfície para o diagnostico cinomose utilizando amostras de soro canino. Para padronização da técnica, fez-se necessário o estudo da diluição do antígeno para identificar a melhor concentração para sensibilização da placa. O teste foi aplicado primeiramente com diferentes diluições do antígeno para detecção do melhor desempenho do antígeno. Feito isso, foi testado em um banco de soro de 45 animais comprovadamente positivos no teste ELISA comercial e em soro de 45 animais comprovadamente negativos no teste ELISA comercial, posteriormente foi calculado o ponto de corte, especificidade e sensibilidade do teste. O teste ELISA indireto se mostrou com excelência como um teste de diagnóstico para a cinomose canina, obtendo-se ponto de corte de densidade óptica de 0,229, sensibilidade de 95,5% e especificidade de 84,4%.

Distemper is a disease or the disease by the CDV virus, Distemper Virus. This disease mainly affects dogs, but also affects other domestic and wild species. The animal's immunity is related to the degree to which it will reach the individual's organism. It affects the animal's breathing, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and can lead to death. The aim of the present work test was to standardize an indirect ELISA for distemper diagnosis in experiments using a surface antigen. For the study of technical identification, it was necessary to specify the antigen for the best concentration of plaque sensitization. The test was initially applied with different dilutions of the antigen to detect the best performance of the antigen. This was tested in a serum bank of 45 animals proven positive in the commercial ELISA test and in the serum of 45 animals proven negative in the commercial ELISA test, later it was tested on the cut-off point, specificity and sensitivity of the test. The indirect ELISA test proved to be excellent as a diagnostic test for canine distemper, with an optical density cut-off of 0.229, sensitivity of 95.5% and specificity of 84.4% being obtained.

Animals , Dogs , Immunologic Tests/veterinary , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/veterinary , Distemper/diagnosis , Distemper Virus, Canine , Dogs/immunology , Antigens, Viral/analysis
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(3): 130-134, jul./set. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1411231


A brucelose é uma doença bacteriana de grande importância para a economia pecuária e para a saúde pública por se tratar de uma zoonose. É uma doença infecto-contagiosa que tem com agente etiológico bactérias do gênero Brucella. Em bovinos, as espécies do gênero é a Brucella abortus, que são cocobacilos gram negativo, intracelulares facultativos, imóveis e não esporulado. A infecção apresenta evolução crônica e acomete animais de todas as idades, sendo mais frequente em indivíduos sexualmente maduros. O objetivo desse trabalho é investigar, por meio da sorologia para brucelose bovina, utilizando a técnica do ELISA indireto, amostras de animais reagentes abatidos em frigoríficos inspecionados no estado da Bahia. Foram utilizados 666 animais, selecionados aleatoriamente no momento do abate. O sangue foi coletado com finalidade de obtenção de soro, todas as amostras foram submetidas à prova de triagem do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), prova do 2mercaptoetanol (2-ME) e ELISA Indireto. Das amostras reagentes no teste do AAT, obteve-se uma prevalência estimada em 1,2%. A prevalência no teste do ELISA foi de 13,21% (n=86). Esse resultado sugere a ocorrência de falsos negativos quando se utiliza a prova do antígeno acidificado tamponado.

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of great importance to the livestock economy and to public health because it is a zoonosis. It is an infectious disease that has etiologic agent with bacteria of the genus Brucella. In cattle, the species of the genus Brucella is Brucella abortus that are gram negative, facultative intracellular, real estate and not sporulated. The infection presents chronic and affects animals of all ages, being more frequent in sexually mature individuals. This study aimed to investigate through serology for brucellosis, using the technique of indirect ELISA, samples from positive animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses inspected in the state of Bahia. A total of 666 animals were used, randomly selected at the time of slaughter. Blood was collected in order to obtain serum, all samples were subjected to a screening test Antigen Buffered Acidified (AAT), proof of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and Indirect ELISA. Of reagents in the test samples of AAT obtained an estimated prevalence of 1.2%. The prevalence in the ELISA test was 13.21% (n = 86). This result suggests the occurrence of false negatives when using the buffered acidified antigen test.

Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus , Brucellosis, Bovine/diagnosis , Cattle/abnormalities , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Bacterial Zoonoses/diagnosis , Prevalence
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00582020, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1383684


Tuberculosis is an infectious, chronic, and worldwide disease. It has been known since the beginning of humanity and still negatively influences public health and livestock, especially, in Brazil, in the northeast. Etiologic agents are the mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which is the most important in mammals' involvement. The state of Bahia has 68.7% of its territory located in the semiarid region and holds the largest goat herd in the country. Goat breeding is a social and economic activity that adds value to this region. Up to the present, data on goat tuberculosis is unknown in this state. Thus, this study seeks data on tuberculosis prevalence in goats in a semiarid region of Bahia by using the comparative tuberculin test and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A total of 600 adult animals of both sexes were evaluated. A prevalence of 0.33% (2/600) and 33.33% (1/3) properties were found for positive animals. Each assessed property had a questionnaire to analyze the epidemiological data management and relevant aspects for the disease occurrence. To confirm the positive tuberculin test results, PCR was used to detect and identify the pathogenic mycobacteria involved in the infection. It is concluded that most of the properties performing goat breeding in the region show low technification levels and promote farming between different species. Low prevalence of the disease alerts preventive measures to avoid major proportion situations that could influence the goat breeding in the state.

Animals , Tuberculin , Tuberculosis/diagnosis , Goats/microbiology , Tuberculin Test/veterinary , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 88: e00592020, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1357869


The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis (TB) by molecular techniques has been broadly studied. These methods allow accelerating the diagnosis, in addition to presenting high specificity and sensitivity in the identification of the pathogen, critical characteristic for public health, especially when it comes to the direct diagnosis of the biologic samples, which has been little explored. This paper has evaluated a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) as a tool to diagnose TB, which was performed directly on the granulomatous material of suspicious lesions collected in a cold chamber under state inspection in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Of the 74 samples evaluated, 14.86% were positive, with 10.81% positive for mPCR and culture, 4.05% negative for cultivation and positive for mPCR. The correlation between the cultivation and the mPCR presented agreeance higher than 61.54% of the cases. The results have indicated that the protocol proved itself effective, fast and very promising in the surveillance in slaughterhouses for the diagnosis of tuberculosis directly from the granuloma.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Tuberculosis, Bovine/diagnosis , Diagnosis , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Mycobacterium , Abattoirs , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , Granuloma , Noxae
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 42(spe): e20200197, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1251788


ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the management actions of nurses in Primary Health Care services from the perspective of technologies. Method Descriptive-exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out from February to April 2019. Through the snowball technique, the sample consisted of 42 nurses from Primary Health Care, using an electronic tool for data collection. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics techniques. Results 54.8% of nurses use technologies through SISREG and PEC electronic systems, care training related to permanent health education, online and face-to-face courses, in addition to care technologies such as telehealth and telemedicine. Conclusion Management actions focused on technology showed restricted use. Nurses need to empower themselves with these organizational devices, with the aim of improving the provision and quality of care for users.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar las acciones de gestión del enfermero en los servicios de Atención Primaria de Salud desde la perspectiva de las tecnologías. Método Estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado de febrero a abril de 2019. Mediante la técnica de bola de nieve, la muestra estuvo conformada por 42 enfermeros de Atención Primaria de Salud, utilizando una herramienta electrónica para la recolección de datos. Los datos se analizaron mediante técnicas de estadística descriptiva. Resultados El 54,8% de los enfermeros utilizan tecnologías a través de los sistemas electrónicos SISREG y PEC, la calificación de la atención relacionada con la educación permanente en salud, cursos en línea y presenciales, además del uso de tecnologías de atención como la telesalud y la telemedicina. Conclusión Las acciones de gestión centradas en la tecnología mostraron un uso tímido. Las enfermeras deben empoderarse con estos dispositivos organizativos, con el fin de mejorar la atención y la calidad de la atención para el usuario.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar as ações de gerenciamento de enfermeiros em serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva das tecnologias. Método Estudo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem quantitativa, realizado de fevereiro a abril de 2019. Através da snowball technique, a amostra foi composta por 42 enfermeiros da Atenção Primária à Saúde, utilizando-se ferramenta eletrônica para coleta de dados. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas de estatística descritiva. Resultados 54,8% dos enfermeiros utilizam tecnologias através de sistemas eletrônicos SISREG e PEC, da qualificação do cuidado relacionada a educação permanente em saúde, de cursos online e presenciais, além do uso de tecnologias do cuidado como o telessaúde e a telemedicina. Conclusão As ações de gerenciamento voltadas a tecnologia apresentaram utilização tímida. Os enfermeiros necessitam empoderar-se destes dispositivos organizacionais, tendo em vista o aprimoramento da assistência e qualidade do cuidado ao usuário.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Health Management , Biomedical Technology , Nurses , Quality of Health Care
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(3): 1122-1131, jul.-set. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1127187


Os Modelos de Gestão por Competência (MGC) são concebidos para alinhar as práticas de gestão de pessoas entre si, integrados à estratégia organizacional. Entretanto, tais modelos podem diferir significativamente entre si, conforme incorporam ou não elementos estratégicos, como as competências organizacionais. O respectivo estudo de caso analisou tais questões na implantação e revisões subsequentes de um MGC em uma multinacional do setor automobilístico. A metodologia investigativa utilizou estudo qualitativo, analisando os diferentes momentos dessa implantação em uma análise longitudinal, utilizando, à pesquisa, um recorte temporal de dez anos - de 1999 a 2019. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação participante, bem como de análise documental. Observou-se que: o uso de referenciais estratégicos como competências organizacionais propicia a integração vertical entre processos de gestão de pessoas à estratégia; os conceitos de competências individuais influenciaram a amplitude e a aplicabilidade do MGC. Foi possível perceber que os processos organizacionais favorecem uma maior ou menor assimilação do MGC. O tempo dedicado na implementação foi importante para denotar seus efeitos.

Competency management models (CMMs) are designed to align people management practices with each other and with the organizational strategy. However, such models can differ significantly from each other, depending on whether or not they incorporate strategic elements, such as organizational skills. This case study analyzed such issues in the implantation and subsequent revisions of a CMM in a multinational automobile firm. The methodology consisted of a qualitative study, analyzing the different moments of this implantation in a longitudinal analysis from 1999 to 2019. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. It was observed that the use of strategic references as organizational competencies provides vertical integration between people management processes and strategy; the concepts of individual competences influenced the breadth and applicability of the CMM; organizational processes favor greater or lesser assimilation of the CMM; and that the time spent on implementation was important.

Los Modelos de Gestión por Competencias (MGC) son concebidos para alinear las prácticas de gestión de personas entre sí, insertados a la estrategia organizacional. Sin embargo, tales modelos pueden diferir significativamente entre sí, dependiendo de si incorporan o no elementos estratégicos, como las habilidades de organización. Este estudio de caso analizó tales problemas en la implantación y las revisiones posteriores de un MGC en una empresa multinacional del sector del automovilístico. La metodología investigativa utilizó del estudio cualitativo, analizando los diferentes momentos de esta implementación en un análisis longitudinal, utilizando, a la pesquisa, un recorte temporal de diez años - de 1999 a 2019. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, bien como de análisis documental. Se observó que: el uso de referencias estratégicas como competencias organizacionales proporciona una integración vertical entre los procesos de gestión de personas en la estrategia; los conceptos de competencias individuales influyeron en la amplitud y aplicabilidad del MGC. Fue posible percibir que los procesos organizacionales favorecen una mayor o menor asimilación del MGC. El tiempo dedicado a la implementación fue importante para denotar sus efectos.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0122020, 2020. tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1145873


The poultry industry has been considered one of the most efficient agricultural activities, placing Brazil in the ranking of the largest producers of chicken meat. However, a threat to the poultry production chain is the entrance of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in the country, which would bring huge economic and social losses. Monitoring of the virus was conducted in domestic poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) farms on the migratory birds landing sites Mangue Seco and Cacha Pregos between 2013 and 2014 to control Newcastle disease (NCD) in these locations. Activities in health education, filling the questionnaire to define the sanitary profile of the farms, georeferenced registration and collection of blood samples, cloacal and tracheal swabs of the backyard birds were the epidemiological surveillance actions performed. A total of 133 serum samples were analyzed in Mangue Seco and 81 in Cacha Pregos. The results showed that both Mangue Seco (63.4%) and Cacha Pregos (88.9%) presented reactive animals for the NDV. The results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and viral isolation analyses were negative, proving that the domestic poultry were not eliminating the virus at the time of sample collection. The high percentage of reactive animals by indirect ELISA test in both epidemiological units studied suggests the presence of NDV circulating lentogenic strain, since there was no death registration and the birds did not have characteristic symptoms of the disease.(AU)

A avicultura tem sido considerada uma das atividades agrícolas mais eficientes, colocando o Brasil no ranking dos maiores produtores de carne de frango. No entanto, uma ameaça à cadeia produtiva da avicultura é a entrada do vírus da doença de Newcastle (NDV) no país, o que acarretaria enormes prejuízos econômicos e sociais. O monitoramento do vírus foi realizado em granjas de aves domésticas (Gallus gallus domesticus) nos locais de desembarque de aves migratórias de Mangue Seco e Cacha Pregos entre 2013 e 2014 para controlar a doença de Newcastle (DCNT) nesses locais. Atividades de educação em saúde, preenchimento de questionário para definição do perfil sanitário das fazendas, cadastro georreferenciado e coleta de amostras de sangue e swabs cloacal e traqueal de aves de quintal foram as ações de vigilância epidemiológica realizadas. Um total de 133 amostras de soro foram analisadas em Mangue Seco e 81 em Cacha Pregos. Os resultados mostraram que tanto Mangue Seco (63,4%) quanto Cacha Pregos (88,9%) apresentaram animais reativos para o NDV. Os resultados da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR) e das análises de isolamento viral foram negativos, comprovando que as aves domésticas não estavam eliminando o vírus no momento da coleta das amostras. O alto percentual de animais reativos pelo teste ELISA indireto em ambas as unidades epidemiológicas estudadas sugere a presença de cepa lentogênica circulante de NDV, uma vez que não houve registro de óbito e as aves não apresentavam sintomas característicos da doença.(AU)

Poultry , Newcastle disease virus , Chickens , Viruses , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Records , Health Education , Surveys and Questionnaires , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Epidemiological Monitoring , Farms
J. appl. oral sci ; 28: e20190023, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056577


Abstract When exposure of the pulp to external environment occurs, reparative dentinogenesis can be induced by direct pulp capping to maintain pulp tissue vitality and function. These clinical situations require the use of materials that induce dentin repair and, subsequently, formation of a mineralized tissue. Objective: This work aims to assess the effect of tricalcium silicate cements and mineral trioxide aggregate cements, including repairing dentin formation and inflammatory reactions over time after pulp exposure in Wistar rats. Methodology: These two biomaterials were compared with positive control groups (open cavity with pulp tissue exposure) and negative control groups (no intervention). The evaluations were performed in three stages; three, seven and twenty-one days, and consisted of an imaging (nuclear medicine) and histological evaluation (H&E staining, immunohistochemistry and Alizarin Red S). Results: The therapeutic effect of these biomaterials was confirmed. Nuclear medicine evaluation demonstrated that the uptake of 99mTc-Hydroxymethylene diphosphonate (HMDP) showed no significant differences between the different experimental groups and the control, revealing the non-occurrence of differences in the phosphocalcium metabolism. The histological study demonstrated that in mineral trioxide aggregate therapies, the presence of moderate inflammatory infiltration was found after three days, decreasing during follow-ups. The formation of mineralized tissue was only verified at 21 days of follow-up. The tricalcium silicate therapies demonstrated the presence of a slight inflammatory infiltration on the third day, increasing throughout the follow-up. The formation of mineralized tissue was observed in the seventh follow-up day, increasing over time. Conclusions: The mineral trioxide aggregate (WhiteProRoot®MTA) and tricalcium silicate (Biodentine™) present slight and reversible inflammatory signs in the pulp tissue, with the formation of mineralized tissue. However, the exacerbated induction of mineralized tissue formation with the tricalcium silicate biomaterial may lead to the formation of pulp calcifications

Animals , Male , Oxides/pharmacology , Biocompatible Materials/pharmacology , Silicates/pharmacology , Calcium Compounds/pharmacology , Aluminum Compounds/pharmacology , Dental Pulp/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Dentinogenesis/drug effects , Phosphoproteins/analysis , Pulpitis/pathology , Pulpitis/drug therapy , Sialoglycoproteins/analysis , Time Factors , Immunohistochemistry , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Extracellular Matrix Proteins/analysis , Dental Pulp Exposure/pathology , Dental Pulp Exposure/drug therapy , Rats, Wistar , Dental Pulp/pathology , Dental Pulp Capping/methods , Drug Combinations , Molecular Imaging/methods , Pulp Capping and Pulpectomy Agents/pharmacology , Odontoblasts/drug effects
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(4): 582-583, oct.-dec. 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047937


As informações no leito, sobre a necessidade de manobras do paciente, em intervalos de 2 h, para evitar o aparecimento de lesões por pressão podem reduzir o tempo de permanência, diminuir o risco de lesões de pele e os custos de manutenção do paciente.

Bedside information on the need for repositioning the patient at 2 h intervals to avoid the appearance of pressure ulcers can reduce hospitalization time, risk of skin lesions, and maintenance costs.

Humans , Surgery, Plastic , Wounds and Injuries , Pressure Ulcer , Length of Stay , Surgery, Plastic/rehabilitation , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Pressure Ulcer/surgery , Pressure Ulcer/complications , Pressure Ulcer/prevention & control , Pressure Ulcer/therapy
Motriz (Online) ; 25(1): e101985, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012689


Aim: To evaluate the use of CMAP tools® software as a teaching strategy of skeletal muscle components and contraction in undergraduates students of physical education. Methods: Nineteen students from the discipline of fundamentals of human physiology of the undergraduate course of physical education of the Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta were engaged in this study. Students were asked to divide into groups of three people and to bring a notebook with CMAP tools® software installed. During class, students were responsible for creating conceptual maps in CMAP tools® software describing each step of skeletal muscle components and contraction. To assess the effectiveness of this strategy in assisting learning related to skeletal muscle components and contraction, we created a visual learning scale (ranging from 0 (did not help) to 10 (helped a lot)) and applied to students at the end of the class. Results: From the students assessed, 47% scored 10 on the visual learning scale. Overall, 74% scored higher than 8 on the scale. Conclusion: The use of CMAP tools® software was effective in helping students understand concepts related to skeletal muscle components and contraction.(AU)

Humans , Physical Education and Training/methods , Muscle, Skeletal , Muscle Contraction , Software , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(2): 211-216, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-909407


INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo é avaliar a presença de equimose com 7 e 15 dias após osteotomia nasal lateral interna e externa na rinoplastia aberta. Métodos: Análise prospectiva, dos pacientes submetidos à rinoplastia aberta, com osteotomia nasal lateral com total de 15 pacientes. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos. Aqueles submetidos à osteotomia nasal lateral externa formaram o grupo A (n = 6) e os submetidos à osteotomia interna, o grupo B (n = 9). Foram avaliados com 7 e 15 dias de pós-operatório e registrada a presença ou ausência de equimose. Resultados: Dentro do grupo A evidenciamos no 7º dia de pós-operatório 3 (50%) pacientes com equimose e 3 (50%) sem alteração na tonalidade da pele. Com 15 dias de pós-operatório, o mesmo grupo apresentava 2 (25%) pacientes com equimose e 4 (75%) sem alteração. Já no grupo B foram identificados no 7º dia após o procedimento 3 (33,4%) pacientes com presença de equimose e 6 (66,6%) sem alteração. O mesmo grupo após 15 dias do procedimento apresentou 1 (11,1%) paciente com equimose e 8 (88,9%) sem alteração. Conclusão: Apesar da fratura interna apresentar menor incidência de equimose no sétimo e décimo quinto dias de pós-operatório, não houve relevância estatística na comparação entre as técnicas.

Introduction: The objective is to evaluate the presence of ecchymosis 7 and 15 days after internal and external lateral nasal osteotomy in open rhinoplasty. Methods: A prospective evaluation of 15 patients who underwent open rhinoplasty with lateral nasal osteotomy was conducted. The patients were allocated into two groups. Those who underwent external lateral nasal osteotomy were included in group A (n = 6), while those who underwent internal osteotomy were included in group B (n = 9). The patients were evaluated on postoperative days 7 and 15, and the presence or absence of ecchymosis was recorded. Results: In group A, we observed that on postoperative day 7, 3 patients (50%) had ecchymosis and 3 (50%) showed no changes in skin color. On postoperative day 15, the same group had 2 patients (25%) with ecchymosis and 4 (75%) without changes. On the other hand, in group B, 3 patients (33.4%) had ecchymosis and 6 (66.6%) showed no changes on postoperative day 7. In the same group, 1 patient (11.1%) had ecchymosis and 8 (88.9%) showed no changes 15 days after surgery. Conclusion: Despite the lower incidence of ecchymosis in internal fractures on postoperative days 7 and 15, no statistical significance was observed between the two techniques.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Osteotomy , Postoperative Complications , Rhinoplasty , Nose , Prospective Studies , Ecchymosis , Osteotomy/adverse effects , Osteotomy/methods , Osteotomy/rehabilitation , Postoperative Complications/drug therapy , Rhinoplasty/adverse effects , Rhinoplasty/methods , Rhinoplasty/rehabilitation , Nose/surgery , Ecchymosis/surgery , Ecchymosis/rehabilitation
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 81(1): 7-11, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888177


ABSTRACT Purpose: Malignant lesions of the eyelid are the most common eye cancers. Although rarely lethal, late diagnosis can lead to serious visual morbidity. Definitive diagnosis of neoplastic lesions is pathological. Indications and types of eyelid lesions in a single high-volume ophthalmic reference center in Sao Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed. Methods: The surgical pathological reports of patients who underwent eye removal procedures between January 2000 and December 2012 were retrieved from the electronic database of the Ophthalmology Department and retrospectively reviewed. Data regarding the final anatomopathological diagnosis, sex, and age were analyzed via the χ2 test with Yates' correction. Results: Of the 1,113 eyelid tumors resected over the 13-year study period, 324 (29%) lesions were malignant. The most prevalent lesions were basal cell, squamous cell, and sebaceous gland carcinomas. The median ages of patients (females, n=165, 51%; males, n=159, 49%) with a diagnosis of basal cell, squamous cell, and sebaceous gland carcinomas were 65, 75, and 70 years, respectively. Conclusion: This is the largest retrospective cohort analysis of eyelid tumors in a Latin American population. These findings are in agreement with those from large centers in other countries and regions.

RESUMO Objetivo: As lesões malignas de pálpebras são os cânceres oftalmológicos mais frequentes. Embora raramente letal, o diagnóstico tardio pode levar a diversas complicações severas e a uma alta taxa de morbidade visual. O diagnóstico definitivo de lesões neoplásicas é patológico. No presente estudo, revisamos casos de um único centro de referência oftalmológica de maior volume em São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Avaliação retrospectiva de todos os tumores palpebrais operados entre os anos de 2000 e 2012 no Departamento de Oftalmologia. Dados incluindo diagnóstico anatomopatológico final, sexo e idade - foram analisados através do método χ2 YATES. Resultados: Dentre os 1.113 tumores palpebrais ressecados no período de estudo de 13 anos, 324 (29%) dos pacientes com lesões únicas eram malignas. A lesão mais prevalente foi Carcinoma Basocelular (CBC), seguido por carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) e carcinoma de células sebáceas (CCS). A média da idade dos pacientes com diagnóstico de CBC, CCS e CEC foi 65, 75 e 70 respectivamente distribuídos entre 165 (51%) mulheres e 159 (49%) homens. Conclusão: Essa é a maior análise de coorte retrospectivo de tumores palpebrais da América Latina. Nossos achados estão de acordo com outros grandes centros de outros países e continentes.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Eyelid Neoplasms/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Melanoma/epidemiology
J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. (Online) ; 53(5): 325-329, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893574


ABSTRACT Adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas (ASCP) is a rare variant of the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Between 2004 and 2016, four cases of ASCP were resected at our institution; clinicopathological data were collected. All of our patients were males, aged 55-80 years. Three cases were cephalic tumors; and one, pancreatic tail tumor, measuring between 2.3 and 5.5 cm. All had neurovascular invasion and lymphatic metastasis. Two had retroperitoneal positive margins. The overall survival (OS) after surgery was three weeks-42 months. Prognosis of ASCP is dark and OS appears to be more closely related to surgical margins status than to other clinicopathological factors.

RESUMO O carcinoma adenoescamoso pancreático (ASCP) é uma variante rara do adenocarcinoma ductal (PDAC). Entre 2004 e 2016, foram ressecados quatro casos de ASCP em nossa instituição, com registro dos dados clínicos e patológicos. Os pacientes eram homens entre 55 e 80 anos. Três tumores eram cefálicos; e um, caudal, com dimensões variáveis entre 2,3 e 5,5 cm. Todos tinham invasão neurovascular e metástases linfáticas; dois, margens cirúrgicas retroperitoneais positivas. A sobrevida global (SG) pós-cirurgia foi de três semanas a 42 meses. O prognóstico do ASCP é sombrio, com SG aparentemente mais relacionada com o status das margens cirúrgicas do que com outro fator clinicopatológico.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 32(3): 450-453, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-868347


Descrever um caso de mama tuberosa com importante assimetria mamária, descrever a técnica e avaliar o resultado de caso. Diferentes técnicas foram usadas em cada mama, apesar de na literatura dizer que é importante empregar uma estratégia semelhante em ambas as mamas. A paciente evoluiu sem complicações e apresenta, com 6 meses de pós-operatório, resultado extremamente satisfatório, sem estigmas de mama tuberosa e com melhora importante da assimetria mamária. Na literatura é estabelecido que não há uma única técnica cirúrgica adequada para a correção dos diferentes tipos de malformações. A mama tuberosa representa um desafio nas cirurgias plásticas da mama e se tornam mais complexas quando a assimetria é mais exacerbada. Porém, o cirurgião que dominar as mais diversas técnicas mamárias estéticas e reconstrutoras poderá alcançar um resultado satisfatório.

To report a case of tuberous breast with significant breast asymmetry, describe the technique used and evaluate the outcome of the case. Different techniques were used on each breast, although studies in literature recommend the use of similar strategy in both breasts. The patient progressed without complications and had, 6 months after the surgery, extremely satisfactory result without tuberous breast stigmas, and significant improvement of breast asymmetry. The literature establishes that not only one surgical technique is adequate to correct different types of malformations. Tuberous breast constitutes a challenge in breast plastic surgery and it becomes more complex when the asymmetry is more severe. However, surgeons who is trained in a variety of aesthetic and breast reconstructive techniques can achieve a satisfactory result.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , History, 21st Century , Congenital Abnormalities , Breast , Breast Diseases , Mammaplasty , Breast Implantation , Congenital Abnormalities/surgery , Congenital Abnormalities/therapy , Breast/abnormalities , Breast/surgery , Breast Diseases/surgery , Breast Diseases/therapy , Mammaplasty/methods , Breast Implantation/adverse effects , Breast Implantation/methods
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 80(4): 220-223, July-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888126


ABSTRACT Purpose: To analyze the indications and types of eye removal at Latin America's highest-volume ophthalmic reference center in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of surgical pathological reports in the electronic database of the Ophthalmology Department of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo Hospital of patients who underwent eye-removal procedures between January 2000 and December 2012. Results: A total of 412 cases met the inclusion criteria for this study. The most common indications for eye removal were ocular melanoma and retinoblastoma, representing 35.4% and 31.1% of the total cases, respectively. Other frequent indications included endophthalmitis (6.3%), nonspecific inflammation (4.1%), squamous cell carcinoma (3.6%), panophthalmitis (3.4%), and phthisis bulbi (1.2%). The remaining indications accounted for 14.8% of all cases, with each accounting for <1% of the total cases. Enucleation was the most common eye-removal procedure seen in our study. Conclusions: The two most common indications for eye removal were ocular melanoma and retinoblastoma. Alternative treatment options are effective in limiting the need for eye removal but are constrained by our public center's so cioeconomic context.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os tipos e indicações para a remoção dos olhos no maior centro de referência oftalmológica da América Latina em São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de laudos cirúrgico patológico em uma base de dados eletrônica do Departamento de Oftalmologia do Hospital da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foram analisados pacientes submetidos ao procedimento de remoção oftálmica no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2012. Resultados: Um total de 412 casos estiveram de acordo com os critérios de inclusão desse estudo. A indicação mais comum para remoção oftálmica foi Melanoma ocular e Retinoblastoma, representando, respectivamente, 35,4% e 31,1% do total de casos. Outras indicações frequentes incluíam Endoftalmite 6,3%, Inflamação inespecífica 4,1%, Carcinoma escamocelular 3,6%, Panoftalmite 3,4% e Phthisis Bulbi 1,2%. O restante das indicações totalizaram 14,8% de todos os casos, sendo que cada um correspondem com menos de 1% do total. Enucleação foi o procedimento de remoção oftálmica mais comum observado em nosso estudo. Conclusão: As duas indicações mais frequentes para remoção oftálmica no centro oftalmológico de referência do Brasil foi melanoma e retinoblastoma. Opções terapêuticas alternativas são efetivas para limitar a necessidade da remoção ocular, porém são restritos devido ao contexto socioeconômico de nossa população.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Ophthalmology/statistics & numerical data , Referral and Consultation/statistics & numerical data , Eye Enucleation/statistics & numerical data , Eye Evisceration/statistics & numerical data , Eye Neoplasms/surgery , Retinoblastoma/surgery , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Melanoma/surgery